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Case Results

Our Cases Become Our Causes

We invite you to browse some of our recent case results to learn more about our past successes and how we have helped people in situations similar to yours.


Car Crash

$1,115,000 for young man injured in motor vehicle collision in which he suffered multiple broken bones and a subdural hematoma. The award paid for additional education that allowed him to obtain a well-paying job.


Truck Accident

Over $1,095,000 for client driver of dump truck hit in rear by a pickup truck on highway in Clay County, Florida. Our client is a young man, and this result made a huge difference in his life, allowing him to graduate trade school and to re-enter the workforce.


Fatal Alcohol Sale to Minor

Confidential settlements totaling over $1,100,000 for the family of a young man who was killed in a motor vehicle collision caused by a minor driver who had been drinking alcoholic beverages but was not legally impaired. We held those who provided alcohol to the minors responsible.


Negligent Security

A young woman working in a coffee shop to pay for college was shot in the stomach by a robber because of lack of adequate security.


Negligence In Mental Hospital

A veteran died while on suicide watch because mental health staff failed to monitor him and prevent his suicide.


Industrial Injury

Settlement for man whose hand was pulled into a machine producing rolls of paper towels, causing the hand to be degloved and later amputated. The settlement allowed him to buy a house and continue to provide for his family. Putnam County Florida


Rear-End Collision

A man with a history of back problems was hit from behind, which made his pre-existing condition worse.


Premises Sidewalk Accident

$750,000 result for woman who suffered severe injuries from falling over a bolt protruding from a sidewalk beside a gas station/convenience store in Santa Rosa County, Florida. Pleased to work on this case with Aaron Watson, of The Watson Firm in Pensacola.


Murder by Apartment Maintenance Worker

Confidential settlement for the family of an elderly woman murdered by an apartment maintenance worker whose employer retained him despite a history of violence and drug abuse.


Couple Beaten in their Apartment

$650,000 for couple beaten in their apartment home in Pinellas County by man seeking drugs, where apartment owner failed to warn couple that previous occupant sold drugs from the apartment.


Traffic Barricade Worker Hits Woman With Truck

A worker pulling a caution sign behind his company pickup truck rear-ended a woman driving home, causing serious back injuries. Broward County, Florida


Man Stabbed In Bar

$363,623 judgement for man stabbed in bar in Bradenton, Florida. The bar did not have sufficient security, given past violence in the neighborhood. Fortunately, he survived and had scarring but no lasting physical injuries. Pleased to work with Tim Farrow of Sarasota in this case.


Low-Speed Collision

$350,000 recovery for client injured in low-speed collision in Palatka, Putnam County, Florida. This recovery was $250,000 over the liability insurance limits of $100,000. This compensation allowed this elderly lady to improve her standard of living in her golden years.


Pedestrian Hit In Parking Lot

A young man knocked a woman down in a parking lot with his pickup truck because he did not see her. She suffered a fractured tibia.


Policy Limit Recovery

$275,000 policy limit recovery for client who suffered aggravation of pre-existing neck condition in low-impact collision in Ocala, Marion County, Florida. This result allowed this young man to move himself, his wife, and their four children to South Florida, where they desired to live.


Trip and Fall Accident

Substantial settlement for man who tripped on a building entrance that violated the Florida Building Code and suffered a knee injury that required surgery.


Truck Accident

Confidential settlement for client severely injured by trucker in Miami, Dade County, Florida, whose fraudulent log entries contained mathematically impossible combinations of time and distance (unless he was in an aircraft).

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.

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